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Bard on the Beach Artisan Market – reflections on my first art market

Many of my artist friends participate in art fairs and art markets. Typically, that means hauling your artworks to a temporary location, setting up a tent and hanging out at the site for several days.

While they can be a great way to connect with art lovers and new collectors, you need a lot of inventory and a lot of stamina; most events run for a weekend or longer!

When I saw the call for local artists to participate in the first ever Bard on the Beach Artisan Market AND saw that each event was only two hours long, I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to dip my toe in the art fair world.

Here are my top take-aways (lessons to be applied when I return to the market on August 31st and September 11).

Bard on the Beach is featuring an Artisan Market during each of this summer’s performance of Comedy of Errors. I’ll be there again for both the matinee and evening productions on Saturday, August 31st and Wednesday, September 11th. If you have tickets for any of these performances, please do stop by to chat!

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