After a flurry of ‘Shuffle’ activity, a wonderful, three-week trip to Sicily and a (not so wonderful) bout of Covid (most certainly picked up on one of the flights home…), I’m finally back in the studio.
And I have no idea where to start!
Way back at the beginning of June, I was working to finish the last two paintings for my September solo show. I was happy with how they were progressing and felt like they were fairly near to completion. Just a few more layers and larger shapes and they’d be ready to sign, varnish and wire.
My plan was to get them done before my summer studio break; I know from experience how challenging it can be to return to work after a pause and not have any idea where your head was at when you made them!

After spending a few days staring at my painting wall, I decided that tackling the problem straight on wasn’t working. Rather than force myself to make a bold move (and risk spoiling what was already on the panels), I decided to try a sneaky approach; start something new, in a completely different colour palette and medium. And trust that my creative intuition would be sufficiently sparked so as to be able to return to the paintings more easily.
As a by-product of my 100 Petite Paper Paintings project, I am the proud owner of a rather large bin of beautiful hand-painted collage papers. For me, working on paper is a low-risk, free-wheeling way to play and experiment with colour, shape and composition. So I started a new collage piece on a 22 x 33 inch sheet of water colour paper.
After three days of work, I’m loving where it’s landed. The balance of curved lines, contrasting patterns and intriguingly-shaped negative space is incredibly pleasing. (And has suggested a way to get more movement into the nearly-completed paintings.) It may or may not be done. It might end up getting cropped and mounted on wee wooden blocks. Or just hang on the studio wall for inspiration.
But it’s done what I needed it to; given me the push and the confidence to finish those tulip-inspired wooden panels! Stay tuned!