Inspiration overflow

A few weeks ago my husband and I visited the tulip fields. I was so inspired by the colours, textures and lines of blooms, that I came home and immediately created a huge stack of printed papers. (I wrote a blog post about this a few weeks back; go and see the Petite Paper Paintings […]

100 days of collage art

What do 75 paintings look like?

Just last week I reached a big milestone in my 100 ‘Petite Paper Paintings’ project. I finished painting number 75! It’s hard to explain how much of a big deal this is. Doing anything seventy-five times takes a lot of commitment, perseverance and (some days), the ability to talk yourself out of completing the task. […]

A week in the studio of an abstract artist

When I tell people that I’m an abstract painter and mixed media artist, with a lovely home studio and a thriving art practice, the first question after ‘what type of art do you make?’ is ‘how much time do you spend painting?‘. The truth is, a good portion of my studio time is spent on […]

abstract artist trading cards

The beauty of small art

Recently, a friend introduced me to the idea of Artist Trading Cards and asked me if I’d like to swap some. ATCs (as they’re known), are original bits of artwork that measure precisely 2.5 by 3.5 inches and are widely traded amongst artists in the know (one of whom I now am, and you are […]

scrap knitted blanket squares

The ‘threads’ that connect my work

I’ve been exploring colour, shape and texture my entire adult life. Long before I picked up a paintbrush, I filled my creative cup through fibre arts. Knitting was my first love, learning from my grandmother at the age of six, exploring more complicated patterns and techniques with a best friend through my teen years, making […]

Colourful collage papers with a gelli plate

As part of my ‘Petite Paper Paintings’ project, I’ve been making colourful collage papers with my gelli plate. While I love ready-made vintage papers and ephemera, for this project, I decided it was important for all aspects of the work to be created by hand. I’ve had a gelli plate for several years, but before […]